Kay in Traquair Park Kitchen

Kay in Traquair Park Kitchen, Art
Kay in Traquair Park Kitchen

Art    25 x 16 x 0.25    $1,500.00    https://laurafig.com...   

Acrylic, ink, collage, and gesso on plaster coated felt
Artist Statement
My Auntie Kay lived in Scotland and was trained as a nurse. During WWII she served in the Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS). She lived almost all her adult life in the same house in Edinburgh along with her sister Dot. On my first visit to them I was about four. Kay was a wonderful cook and amazing gardener. I have strong memories of her standing at that ancient stove making things like fried toast and tomatoes or kedgeree. This painting was based on a photo taken by my sister on my last visit to them, over thirty years ago. I like how stern she looked, but on the verge of breaking into a laugh and saying, "Och, go on with you!" in her wonderful accent. She was very easy going and energetic. Even after having toes amputated due to poor circulation, she still walked to the shops daily for "the messages" as they called the shopping. My visits to my aunts over the years, and their presence in my life growing up, hold a very special and significant place in my memory.


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