
Mother, Art

Art    36 x 30 x 2    $4,280.00    https://michellespiz...   

acrylic on board custom framed
Artist Statement
As a painter, I am interested in what happens when color, form, movement, and shape interact with each other forming their own dialogue.
Painting for me is as much about self discovery as it is about visual space.
I paint in response to what my subconscious mind makes room for. I'm using art to escape from old patterns towards a freedom of undeniable love of the self.

This painting titled "Mother" is reminiscent of our beginnings. Our ancient ancestry, our ghosts, going back to the original Mother of our specific Haplogroup. Generational DNA or loop; curses, memories - not always of my own, epigenetic curiosity, and the meaning or "why" of me. Somewhat a wistful painting in my personal desire to better understand my "me" through the people of my lineage who lived and died before me.


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