Adams Morgan 2003: The Sum of All Fears

Adams Morgan 2003: The Sum of All Fears, Art
Adams Morgan 2003: The Sum of All Fears

Art    58 x 58    $7,000.00   

Acrylic, Screenprint, on Canvas
Artist Statement
Adams Morgan was one of the most aggressively gentrified areas of Northwest Washington, DC. In the early 2000's, many longtime families and homeowners as well as affordable housing tenants found themselves in a situation where the cost of living (and being brown) became more and more difficult to manage. Once a diverse and culturally rich neighborhood, Adams Morgan became a pressure point for race, and class conflict. The perceived "haves" were protected from the perceived "have-nots" by the police. The native Washingtonians (the throwbacks from Chocolate City, if you will) often became the boogymen of a time decades before. The Sum of All fears features screen printed images of 18th St and Columbia Road NW. The heart of Adams Morgan being attacked by this King Kong style character with construction cranes substituting Military troops that were featured in the old Godzilla movies.


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