Ramsey Brisueno | Painted boys and mothers garden

Ramsey Brisueno | Painted boys and mothers garden, Art
Ramsey Brisueno | Painted boys and mothers garden

Art    48 x 24 x 1    $1,400.00   

Acrylics and Found Papers
Artist Statement
Ram Brisueno is a Baltimore based, self taught artist with a degree in English from UMBC. Ram
considers himself a collagist focusing on personal, cultural, and gender using mixed media in an
intuitive collage style. An almost surreal perspective between material and transformations that
play in stories and dreams.
Ram's submissions for Voices reach for a personal connection with my Puerto Rican
background of my father and myself as a boriquas of African American descent. The collages
flow around central figures, saintly beings referencing Latin culture, with garden and island
imagery. The paintings invite the viewer in, opening and revealing themselves to me and others.
Ram has lived in New York, Germany,Washington, DC and Baltimore and has shown his work in
museums, galleries, venues, and private collections.


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