Tanya Bracey | Mansa Musa: The Elders

Tanya Bracey | Mansa Musa: The Elders, Art
Tanya Bracey | Mansa Musa: The Elders

Art    30 x 24 x 1    $900.00   

Acrylic on Canvas
Artist Statement
Having painted professionally for 20 years, Tanya has drawn the figure all her life. Beginning with comic books and ebony magazines; her interest in portrait is present in much of her work.. Painter Juliette Aristides remarked the warm sensibility experience when viewing her portraits. Influenced my 19th Century Masters; she focuses her painting style on classical realism. Having a respect for cultural traditions of story telling, her paintings are thinly painted describing the temporal nature of life. Drawing the brightly colored layouts of Ebony magazines as a child, lends itself to the graphic and compositionally conscious look of many pieces.


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