Luis Del Valle | Stop the Foolishness, Honor Thy Father and Mother

 Luis Del Valle | Stop the Foolishness, Honor Thy Father and Mother, Art
Luis Del Valle | Stop the Foolishness, Honor Thy Father and Mother

Art    24 x 24 x 0.5    $7,500.00   

Acrylic on recycled paper on metal street sign,
Artist Statement
Award winning artist, Luis Peralta Del Valle was born in Nicaragua in 1980 and migrated to the U.S. in 1986. At the age of 13 he started painting graffiti murals in the District, Maryland and Virginia. A few years later at Bell Multicultural High School he began his formal artistic education, continuing his studies at the Corcoran College of Art and Design. Luis has exhibited his works at various museums and institutions including; NCIS headquarters, V.A., Vatican City, The Embassy of Italy, The Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, The Historical Society of Washington DC, The Vatican Embassy in DC. Luis continues to grow his unique personal artistic sensibility remaining an active leader in the metropolitan arts world. Luis believes that artistic development is a critical element in community development; the arts facilitate improvement in quality of life by providing tools to modify behaviors through the channeling of self- expression into productive work.


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