Dr. Yemonja Smalls | Their Arms Around Us

Dr. Yemonja Smalls | Their Arms Around Us, Art
Dr. Yemonja Smalls | Their Arms Around Us

Art    55 x 43 x 2    $6,200.00   

Mixed media
Artist Statement
When used to define the relationship, the uttered words, “its
complicated” suggest hidden or unexplained snags, trickiness or
entanglement that blur the beauty of the bond. Yemonja selects
and assembles mixed media to convey the complexities that color
relationships. In her work, she explores both a metaphorical and
literal process of breaking, tearing, hiding, layering and cementing
to yield insight into what creates and maintains unions.
Through deconstructed and re-assembled materials, Yemonja
presents multifaceted layers of said connections with
precision. The chemistry of colors combined are held
together, and even in fracture, everything remains whole. She
presents reflections of life/death, self-love, soul-ties, and
work-life balance, to name a few, for viewer dialogue.


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