Anita Henley Carrington | Ancestral Whispers

Anita Henley Carrington | Ancestral Whispers , Art
Anita Henley Carrington | Ancestral Whispers

Art    36 x 36 x 1.5    $2,500.00   

Mixed Media
Artist Statement
Anita Henley Carrington's artistic journey unfolds as a captivating narrative, illustrating her
unwavering passion, versatility, and dedication to both her craft and environmental
consciousness. What sets her apart is her unique approach—serving as a conduit for the
creative force to flow through her hands, infusing a spiritual dimension into her art practice. This
connection with creative energy allows her to craft artworks that elicit a diverse range of
emotions and ideas.
Her use of varied tools and substrates exemplifies her willingness to explore and experiment
with different mediums and materials. This artistic versatility empowers her to create a wide
spectrum of artworks, ranging from joyous to somber, reflecting the intricate tapestry of human
emotions and responses to art.


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