K Starks & Alma Roberts | Hope is Born Again in the Faces of Children
60 x 40 x 2
Acrylic and Colored Pencil on Canvas
Artist Statement
When I first began drawing in 2017, it was not uncommon for a piece I conceived to arrive before the motive or reasoning behind it. It was merely about following the impulse to do it, the awareness that I could do it well, and the value that a custom-made piece of art could hold as a token of gratitude for the people in my life that I cared about.With every piece I drew, however, I found myself gravitating toward reproducing another artform I had once taken up as a hobby: photography. Arguably, there exists no other medium that can so succinctly capture a moment in time while also introducing a certain romanticism-- in dizzying combinations of color, light, composition, and focus-- and it is here that a bit of magic occurs, a certain frozen-in-timeness that the best of our favorite photos contain.