Keiona Clark | Manumitted

Keiona Clark | Manumitted, Art
Keiona Clark | Manumitted

Art    24 x 18 x 2    $3,500.00   

Mixed Media
Artist Statement
MY ART IS MY TESTIMONY; it is a LOVE LETTER to myself and all women who fight to be understood, who fight to be appreciated, and who fight to be received and respected by all.” Surviving breast cancer is how I embraced my talent, beating cancer is how I embrace my life! I am an advocate whose mission is to destroy the myth of the “Starving Artist,” by educating artists as well as the communities we serve that we are not just creatives, but we are also a business that cannot thrive on work for exposure alone. To be marginalized by society is the reason being an artist is a bad word in most households, “MY CREATIVITY INSPIRES MY AVOCACY.” My mission is to educate, create, and push myself to be greater than even I could imagine. “MY MISSION IS MY DRIVE.”


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